Hackney Council Supported Internship Programme (Project SEARCH)

The supported internship programme at Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation, is a one-year employment focused programme which provides long term work experience for young people with learning disabilities, difficulties and/or autism. 

Interns on the programme complete three different work placements to acquire transferable employability skills and interns will also gain a BTEC qualification in work skills upon successful completion of the programme requirements. The overall goal of the work programme is for all interns to secure full-time paid employment.

'Having Autism made me feel like I don’t fit' by Alessandro Ferrari

'Having Autism made me feel like I don’t fit' by Alessandro Ferrari

Before starting Project Search, I was a student at Bsix College studying Business Level 2. I was not sure what my next steps were but knew that I wanted to get a full-time job but did not know where to start as I had no work experience. My teacher told me about Project Search and how it would support me but also it would allow me to have an understanding of the world of work by having three different rotations around the hospital which would give me key skills and experience that I need to enable me to gain full time employment.

Project Search has helped support me with securing a Full-time apprenticeship by helping with Interview skills, being able to fill in an application and support me in having a better understanding into the world of work.

Having Autism made me feel like I don’t fit into a world that requires you to be smart, confident and to be able to build relationships straight away. I always felt different to everyone else and struggled throughout school but my goal was to change this and gain a full-time job. I have proven to myself that having autism and the traits that I have are actually what an employer looks for, as I don’t like to be late or have a days off, When I am given a task, I like to do it quick and effectively as I like routine and I am very particular that I do my job correctly and that I don’t get sidetrack.

The reason that I applied for the role of a warehouse was because my mentor within the warehouse department said if a good job opportunity comes your way and you like the role take it so when I heard there was an apprenticeship role within the warehouse I knew immediately that this was the role for me as I really enjoyed my placement and everyone within the department made me feel welcomed and was always parsing me for my hard work and encouraged me to apply for the role along with my project search coaches.


Positive feedback from Sharon McDonald: Commercial services team manager

Commercial Services have been working with Project SEARCH tutors for a few years now and have worked with a variety of young adults to try and help them build the confidence needed to enter into the working world.

Most recently we had a young man called Alessandro that appeared very shy and withdrawn when we first met him, but after a few weeks of working with our distribution team, he slowly came out of his shell and became more comfortable in our environment and participated fully in the tasks he was asked to carry out. He quickly picked up the job at hand and showed that he is very capable and understands fully what is required of him.

Nearing the end of his rotation, we had advertised for an apprentice post which included some of the tasks and duties that Alessandro had been carrying out. The Project SEARCH tutors encouraged and supported him to apply for this position.

Alessandro was one of 4 applicants interviewed for the Apprentice Main Store Operative and the 3 of us that interviewed the applicants were very impressed at the confidence he showed.

He also demonstrated the knowledge he had gained during his rotation with us and also had done some research on some of the aspects of the role that he hadn’t already been exposed to.

All three of us were more than happy that this young man was the best candidate for the Apprentice position and were rewarded to hear his and his Mum’s reaction when we called to inform him, he had been successful. They were both delighted!

He is a perfect example of how Project SEARCH can help some young adults with various difficulties gain the knowledge, experience and confidence required.
We look forward to welcoming Alessandro to our team very soon and this is due to the hard work from the Project SEARCH tutors, our team and most importantly Alessandro himself.

If you are interested in Project Search please contact the team on the following email addresses for more information
intern@hackney.gov.uk or segun.ladeinde@nhs.net

Hackney Council Supported Internship Programme (Project SEARCH)

The supported internship programme at Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation, is a one-year employment focused programme which provides long term work experience for young people with learning disabilities, difficulties and/or autism. 

Interns on the programme complete three different work placements to acquire transferable employability skills and interns will also gain a BTEC qualification in work skills upon successful completion of the programme requirements. The overall goal of the work programme is for all interns to secure full-time paid employment.

                          Image of interns
At Hackney Council supported internship programme, we apply a specialist, disability-friendly approach to support young people with autism and other disabilities. Our programme is tailored to suitably meet the needs of every young person on the programme.

Key Points

  • Work based programme for young people with autism / disabilities.
  • 9 Months internship at Hackney council and/or Homerton hospital – 3 Rotations over an academic year.
  • On site classroom teaching with BSix sixth form college teachers,supporting interns to develop employability skills and gain a workskills qualification.
  • Ultimate goal is for young people to secure paid employment at the end of the programme.

What does a typical day at Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust?

  • Classroom session: 9am - 10am
  • Work placement: 10 – 3
  • Feedback / Reflection session: 3 – 3.30


Available Internship Placements
Internship placement on offer can change over the year as we continuously pursue new departments that offer new skills for our interns. Also, some internships may decide to take a break from working with us.

Chatter Restaurant, Education Centre, Procurement Diabetic Eye, ScreeningCentral Booking, Outpatient Reception, Hackney Ark,  Health Care Records, Maternity Ward,  Children’s Ward, Other Wards, Central Booking, Patient Engagement, Sterile Services.


Barista image Admin assistant image porter image Warehouse assistant image
Barista Administrative Assistant Porter Warehouse Assistant

Success Stories
Several young people who have completed our programme, have gone on to secure paid jobs in various roles. Below are some of our interns who are currently in employment.

Picture of Alessandro Image of Sam Image of Conor

Alessandro did his placement at the Warehouse and Health Care records and went on to secure an apprenticeship position at the Trust as a trainee warehouse assistant. 

Sam did his placement at Education and Development centre and went on to secure a paid placement at Hackney Council as a business support officer.                                      

Conor secured a health care assistant job at Whipps Cross Hospital


If you are interested in Project Search please contact the team on the following email addresses for more information
intern@hackney.gov.uk or segun.ladeinde@nhs.net