Please click on the links in the boxes below for useful advice and guidance to help you or family members recover from Covid 19. This includes fatigue management,  physical activity and nutritional advice.

Long Covid videos translated into community languages to support residents

A suite of information videos, including in Gujarati, Bengali and Urdu have been produced to support our communities get the support they need to help them recover from Long Covid.

Long Covid is defined as signs and symptoms that develop during or after an infection consistent with COVID-19, continue for more than 12 weeks and cannot be explained by an alternative diagnosis. It is diagnosed when these lasting symptoms cannot be explained by an alternative diagnosis and the necessary tests have been completed to rule these out.

The videos can be accessed using the links below:




The untranslated version of the videos are available below:

The NHS across north east London encourages local people who have symptoms of Long Covid to see their GP to get the appropriate support.


Respiratory and ongoing breathing difficulties

Post COVID-19 information pack.pdf

This document contains information for patients recovering from the virus including managing breathlessness, fatigue and coughs, exercises, and strategies for conserving energy