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our September books of the month
Book of the month
Dilemmas and decision making in dementia care
by Julia Hubbard and Sarah Housden
his book is invaluable to nurses and all health and social care practitioners working with people living with dementia in a variety of contexts. It presents a series of true-to-life case studies tackling the ethical and practical dilemmas of dementia care and how to use theoretical approaches to come to potential solutions.
The content is relevant and aims to be of considerable interest to students and non-registered practitioners, as well as recently qualified and more experienced nurses. The reader is encouraged to explore evidence-based approaches to practice, based on the professional reasoning and experience of the practitioner and the emotional psychological and practical needs of the person living with dementia. Key themes running through case studies are effective communication, person-centred practice, social citizenship, strengths-based approaches and relationship-focused support, as well as organisational culture.
ebook of the month
The sepsis manual
responsible management of sepsis, severe infection and antimicrobial stewardship
by Ron Daniels (editor) and Tim Nutbeam (editor)
The Sepsis Manual is edited by Dr Ron Daniels and Dr Tim Nutbeam, and was updated in January 2024 following updated NICE sepsis guidance. It supports you in spotting, diagnosing, and treating sepsis across healthcare settings, from acute sites right through to the community. This free manual will help your organisation operationalise best practice to ensure timely treatment of the condition, and includes UKST’s globally recognised ‘ Sepsis 6’ care pathway (which halves the risk of patients dying).
Access here, to acccess the PDF of the manual.
Wellbeing book of the month
What you are looking for is in the library
by Michiko Aoyama
What are you looking for?
So asks Tokyo's most enigmatic librarian, Sayuri Komachi.
But she is no ordinary librarian.
Sensing exactly what someone is searching for in life, she provides just the book recommendation to help them find it.
We meet five visitors to the library, each at a different crossroads:
- The restless retail assistant eager to pick up new skills
- The mother faced with a demotion at work after maternity leave
- The conscientious accountant who yearns to open an antique store
- The gifted young manga artist in search of motivation
- The recently retired salaryman on a quest for newfound purpose