Complaints Service

If you have raised a concern with a member of staff and then with PALS and you are still unhappy with the outcome then you can make a  formal complaint about your care and treatment or that of your relative or friend.

When contacting us either by telephone or letter please provide your hospital or NHS number as we can identify your details more quickly. These numbers will be found on all our correspondence to you.

Please write to:
Complaints Service
Homerton University Hospital
NHS Foundation Trust
Homerton Row
London E9 6SR

The service can also be contacted weekdays between 9.00am to 5.00pm on 020 8510 5113 except Tuesdays when the office closes at 2.30pm

You can email your complaint to the Complaints team -

If you need help or support to make your complaint please visit the Rethink  web site.

In accordance with the NHS complaints procedure you need to inform us of your complaint within one year of the event.
All complaints are brought to the attention of the Chief Executive, Chief Nurse or Medical Director.

Next steps would be as follows:

  • your complaint will be acknowledged within 3 working days of receipt
  • we would like to discuss and agree with you how you would like us to proceed; for example you may prefer us to arrange a meeting or to have a written response
  • whichever way forward you choose we aim to respond within 30 working days. We will write to you if we are unable to respond within this time
  • if we are having difficulty meeting the deadline, we will contact you to negotiate an extension
  • if you remain dissatisfied following our response, you may ask the Health Service Ombudsman to consider your complaint. You can pick up a leaflet about the role of Ombudsman from the Health and Cancer Information Centre at the main entrance.

The Ombudsman can be contacted on the helpline: 0345 015 4033 or via the website:

Complaints & Concerns Policy