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Postcode Lottery Funding

Art sessionsThanks to an amazing £18,000 grant from the Postcode Lottery we have been able to continue the art workshop service for the ECU (Elderly Care Unit) specially formulated for people with dementia and sessions for our stroke patients on the Graham Stroke Unit.

This funding has enabled us to provide these amazing art sessions that really make a difference to the lives of the patients on our elderly care unit and stroke unit.

Thank you so much Postcode Lottery.


ECU donation photoThank you to everyone who has made donations to our hospital over the festive period.

The Elderly Care Unit and Children's Ward have been donated presents and gifts from MWH Treatment and FCA. We really appreciate your support.





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Alfie Gray donation

Thank you to Alfie Gray's family for another amazing donation to the Neonatal unit. You can see the team were very excited.....

Alfie Gray


Thank you to the Kier Regional Building for helping us make our memorial garden look so much better. We really appreciate your support. Before and after photos - what a difference.... Just need the flowers and shrubs now.

 before photo after photo