We aim to provide a comprehensive specialist service to care for patients with all colorectal (large bowel/intestine) suspected and diagnosed colorectal cancer. Patients will be guided by a dedicated and highly qualified multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses and allied health professionals throughout their care, and supporting from their first clinic visit, to surgery (if required) and then follow-up. We offer full surgical options including stoma support.

Intravenous chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments are given at Barts health (St Bartholomew’s Hospital NHS Trust).

Waiting times for surgery
The average operation waiting time is between three to four weeks upon diagnosis of colorectal cancer.

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service
We have a Macmillan cancer information and support manager, based in our Health and Cancer Information Centre who provides information, support and advice to all patients, family members and carers affected by colorectal cancer.

What to expect at your appointment

Patients are referred into the colorectal service by their GP, A&E, gastroenterology department and other hospital consultants. They are seen in the outpatients department.

Tests & investigations

  • Colonoscopy is an endoscopic procedure which uses a colonoscope (a thin, flexible telescope) to look into the large intestine.
  • CT scan, uses x-rays to takes images at different angles, it is more detailed than a normal x-ray
  • Sigmoidoscopy (rigid or flexible), uses a small tube with a light at the end to look into the rectum and sigmoid colon (lower part of the large bowel). Air is introduced into the intestine through the sigmoidoscope to inflate it for better viewing.

Some of the investigations shown above may take place prior to the outpatient appointment.

What to expect
Urgent suspected cancer GP referrals are seen within two weeks through the fast-track system via our cancer referral office. We will tell your GP immediately if a cancer diagnosis is made. Non-urgent referrals will be seen during a routine outpatient appointment. Patients can be discharged or an open appointment will be given.

Following the investigation, patients return to the outpatient clinic to receive their results. The consultant and Colorectal Cancer CNS will both be present.  In the case of patients who are diagnosed with a colorectal cancer, initial treatment or surgery takes place within two to four weeks of the diagnosis being confirmed and discussed with the patient. Patients who require surgery for colorectal cancer will be operated on at Homerton and chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment will take place at St Bartholomew’s Hospital.

Ongoing support
After surgery the follow-up in the outpatients department is with a surgeon who will inform you of your pathology/ histology results. If you need further treatment , you will be referred to an oncologist to discuss possible further treatment.

If you do not need further treatment after your surgery you will then be followed up by the Colorectal Cancer CNS either in a face to face clinic or via telephone contact. There is a designated colorectal nurse specialists  and an associate colorectal nurse specialist who see all patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

Colorectal, stoma and palliative care clinical nurse specialist teams provide ongoing practical and emotional support and referral to other health care professionals where appropriate. We provide a telephone support service as well as a colorectal stoma support group, helping patients cope with their physical and emotional issues.

How we support you

Psychological support
Our team here offers counselling, clinical psychology and liaison psychiatry input to help you deal with the emotional and psychological side effects of cancer and will offer you information, support and practical help. Speaking to our psychologist can also help you cope with confusing or upsetting emotions. Your healthcare team can tell you more about our psychological support services and refer you if necessary.

  • Dr Sylvia Puchalska
    Clinical Psychologist in Cancer Care for City and Hackney
    Working days – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
  • Steve Young
    Counselling Psychologist in Training & MBACP
    Working days – Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service, between 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. Based at the main entrance of the hospital. We are at the end of the phone for cancer patients, their relatives and carers to answer your questions or to direct your call to the appropriate person.

We want to make sure that you get all the assistance you need to live well with – and after – cancer. There’s a wide range of support available to help you cope with cancer, including physical, emotional and practical advice for you, your family, friends and carers.

  • Madhu Agarwal
    Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Manager
    Phone: 020 8510 5191

Financial Support at Homerton
Macmillan Toynbee Hall Welfare Rights Service
020 7392 2958
Welfare support by appointments only available on Tuesday 1pm – 4pm and Wednesday 9.30 am -12.30pm.

Our Team

Your care will be provided by a group of experts called a multidisciplinary team (MDT). This is a team of doctors, nurses and other health professionals specialising in treating your type of cancer. You can discuss your care with them and ask them any questions you have about your treatment. Our team includes:


  • Mr. Adnan Alam, MS FRCS
    Consultant Colorectal (General Surgeon), Lead Clinician for the Colorectal Cancer MDT
  • Mr Amir Ghanbari, FRCS
    Consultant Colorectal (General Surgeon), Clinical Lead in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Dr Ian Ewing
    Consultant Gastroenterologist, Gastroenterologist- Cancer Lead
  • Dr Jun Ling Chin
  • Dr Ray Shidrawi
  • Dr Peter Boavida
    Consultant Radiologist
  • Professor Freaking
    Histopathologists at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital
  • Dr Sarah Slater
    Consultant Medical Oncologists

Oncology secretary: Susan Maslanka
020 8510 7819

  • Sherif Raouf
    Clinical Oncologist based at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital
  • Filipe Carvalho
    Nurse Consultant

Clinical  Nurse Specialists (Key worker)

  • Vicenta Lazarescu (Keyworker)
  • Glyn Fountain (Keyworker)
    Associate Colorectal & Stoma CNS

The Colorectal Cancer Nurse is able to offer:

  • advice on treatment options
  • information on any investigations
  • referral to another team member
  • information on local support groups
  • information on relevant websites and charities

Phone: 020 8510 7599
Mobile: 07785 577 558

  • Irene Fernandes
    Stoma Care CNS
    020 8510 5318
  • Noreen Chindawi
    Anal Cancer CNS, HANS CNS (AIN/Anal Cancer)
    0208 510 5296
  • Lucy Freeman
    Dietetic nurse

Extended team members at Homerton

  • Judith Balogun
    Macmillan Cancer CNS Support Worker.
    They help the Clinical Nurse Specialist (Key worker) in their day to-day activities but can help with administrative queries or to leave a message for the CNS’s. As they are not medically qualified, they are unable to give medical advice.
    020 8510 8969
  • Muhammad Numan
    MDT coordinator

Bowel related information and support websites

Bowel cancer 
NHS Choices
Macmillan cancer support 
Cancer research UK
Bowel cancer screening
Maggies @ barts
Fruitfly collective Talking to children

Useful videos
Lynn’s Bowel Cancer Campaign Videos and Patient experience

Bowel Cancer UK - Living life to the full with stoma

Macmillan Cancer Support - Caring for a stoma

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust - Stoma care video preview

Guts UK - Having a Gastroscopy, Having a Colonoscopy

Colorectal cancer survey 2024

We recently surveyed patients about theirexperience with the Colorectal Cancer Nursing Team, and led by Vicenta Lazarescu, Colorectal CNS.

We wanted to identify areas for local improvement and to inform the work of the Colorectal Nursing team.

Our paper survey asked patients to answer, anonymously, 10 questions following their appointment in the Nurse-Led Cancer Surveillance Clinic and, once completed, to pop the survey in a box located in the outpatients area.

44 surveys were returned and all are included in the overall data. 

66% of patients were 61 years old or more, 25% of patients were aged 46 to 60 years, and 9% of patients were aged 31 to 45 years.

No patient identifiable data was collected.

You can see the summary of results below.

Colorectal cancer survey feedback

  • 93% of patients had a specialist nurse present when they were told about their diagnosis, 5% could not remember, and 2% responded that no CNS was present at the time of their diagnosis.
  • 100% of patients were assigned a Key Worker/Specialist Nurse as their main point of contact.
  • 100% of patients responded that it was easy for them to get in contact with their Key Worker/Specialist Nurse.
  • 100% of patients responded that they were supported by the colorectal nursing team throughout their treatment.
  • 100% of patients feel satisfied with their surveillance follow-up (options were satisfied or not satisfied).
  • 100% of patients feel they were given adequate information regarding their surveillance follow-up and what it involves.
  • 100% of patients feel confident in discussing their concerns with their Key Worker/Specialist Nurse.
  • 100% of patients are satisfied with the colorectal nursing service (options were satisfied or not satisfied).

 When asked what improvements to the service could be made, the following answers were noted:

  • Group support / meeting other patients.
  • Weekend support – Mentioned by 3x patients.
  • Email contact for the CNS team.
  • Cancer surveillance follow up appointment should be longer than 30minutes.
  • Cancer surveillance should be longer than 5 years – Mentioned by 2x patients.

Patients were also given the opportunity to free text their opinions in a text box. Please find below some of the selected comments:

I can trust Vi with my life. My surveillance has been faultless. Could not ask for more.
I have never met a nurse like her. She should be given a medal. If I can’t get a hold of Vi, she always calls me back. Anytime I have a question, I have spoken to someone relatively quickly.
Nursing service has been excellent.