Gastroenterology is where the digestive system and its disorders are studied. Hepatology incorporates the study of the liver, gallbladder, biliary tree and pancreas, as well as the management of their disorders.
We offer a general gastroenterology and hepatology service in addition to a number of speciality services outlined below.
In addition we treat viral hepatitis - a dedicated viral hepatitis clinic is run on a Monday afternoon. There is also a nurse-led clinic for viral hepatitis (Thursday morning) which receives direct referral for assessment, monitoring and treatment of hepatitis B and C from primary care and various departments within the hospital including ante natal, fertility and department of sexual health.
Making an appointment
Appointments and referrals can be made by you or your GP via The Electronic Referral Service (e-RS).
Waiting times
Waiting times for both routine outpatient appointments and endoscopy are six weeks or less, and usually within four weeks. Urgent patients are seen within two weeks.