Class information
Due to social-distancing restrictions we are not currently able to provide in-person groups. We have recorded our exercise classes & provide live online classes to help you continue your physiotherapy independently.
These resources are designed for current patients of the Locomotor service who have been screened and referred by one of our physiotherapists. All classes include an easier and more challenging version of each exercise so please consider which is most suitable for your level of ability.
What do I need for the exercise class?
- A computer or phone connected to the internet.
A bottle of water available and any medication you might need (e.g. inhaler or GTN spray)
Some videos encourage the use of extra resistance, so small weights (or bottles of water) or resistance band can be useful, if you have any. Please ensure this is in good condition before you use it.
Some videos require a mat/towel, a chair or a small step.
Comfortable loose clothing and trainers are recommended for all videos
Space to exercise where you can see your device. You will need enough space to stretch your arms out and lie on the floor or a bed.
To exercise safely, please ensure the area is clear of any trip hazards such as loose rugs or furniture
Get Active Introduction
Welcome to the virtual Get Active programme. This programme is for anyone who would like to improve their strength and general fitness levels and is aimed at people who are new to exercise or have had a recent break from exercising regularly.
This four minute introductory video explains the aim of the course, why exercise is beneficial and how much is recommended.
Get Active Intro
Introduction to Get Active
Get Active Exercise Class
This 30 minute video is a recording of a typical Get Active exercise class for you to follow at home. The exercise sequence includes:
A warm up and cool down
A circuit of upper body, lower body and core strengthening exercises
Each exercise lasts 45 seconds, with 15 seconds rest between exercises.
Each set consists of 3 exercises, with 45 seconds rest between sets.
Each set is repeated twice, and there are 4 different sets.
The only equipment required is a chair, and hand weights (or bottles of water) are optional.
In the video an easier version (on the right) and harder version (on the left) is shown of each exercise. The exercise should feel challenging but it is important you pace yourself and build up the intensity gradually over time. Take additional breaks if you need it.
Over the next six weeks we recommend following this video 3-4 times per week, plus another two sessions of additional exercise, such as brisk walking. Further exercise videos and options for exercise are available via the NHS website, including a 12 week fitness programme
Get Active Exercise Video
Get Active Exercise Class
physiotherapy guide to exercise
Guide to exercise
Information on rating your effort, managing pain with exercise and safe progression
Who are the classes for?
These resources are designed for current patients of the Locomotor service who have been screened and referred by one of our physiotherapists.
If you feel your symptoms or circumstances have changed and you may no longer be able to suitable for the class/video, or if you require any individualised advice, please call the Clinical Assessment Service and ask for a ‘Groups and Classes drop in appointment’
0207 683 4676 (Monday – Friday between 9 and 5pm)