Patient Involvement Group

The aim of our patient involvement group is to give patients the opportunity to have their say on how the service is run. The group may discuss new initiatives and projects or give feedback on the current services offered.

If you would like to join our patient involvement group please email us via 

Previous Patient Feedback

95% of patients are either extremely likely or likely to recommend the Locomotor service to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment

Total survey result from all Locomotor service teams: Pain service, Physiotherapy, Extended Scope Physiotherapy, groups and classes.  Based on 1464 responses

Feedback from our patients:

“Courteous and efficient responses from all staff -Physiotherapist was excellent at listening to my history and explaining the reasons behind all treatment decisions”.

 “Excellent assessment and advice flexible approach - helping function, strength reducing pain & importantly increase confidence in managing condition”

 “I have been looked after very well indeed due to very comprehensive investigation before decision about right treatment was made, I have been fully informed about each stage of investigation and about the results afterwards. The staff have been very professional and focused on finding the best solutions in order to resolve my problem. Brilliant care NHS! Thank you very much”

 “The assessment & explanations of my diagnosis was thorough and delivered in a way to understand. Treatment was also thoroughly explained as to how and why and with desired outcomes also explained (goals). Overall I felt well cared for and the treatment was top notch I feel better and comfortable with my movements”.