
The resources below have been produced by Homerton Hospital as well as by national organisations such as the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and NHS England plus charities and support groups such as Tommys and Maternity Action.

We hope you find them helpful. Your Midwife will be able to discuss any questions of concerns you might have. Please also take a look at our antenatal class films and slideshows for lots of Homerton specific information and support.


Coronavirus and the 'flu vaccination 

Staying emotionally well during Coronavirus 

Alcohol and Pregnancy

Alcohol and Drug Support Services in Hackney

Smoking and Pregnancy

Healthy eating and vitamin supplements in pregnancy

Winter Flu 2020/21 


Healthy Start Vouchers


Application Form for Healthy Start Vouchers 


Maternity Action

Maternity Action is the UK’s leading charity committed to ending inequality and improving the health and wellbeing of pregnant women, partners and young children – from conception through to the child’s early years.

Government Guidance on your right to Maternity Leave, rights and pay including links to apply for a Sure Start grant and Maternity Allowance



Birthrights is dedicated to ensuring women receive the respect and dignity they deserve in pregnancy and childbirth

Resources for Partner

PANDAS Dads offers information for men experience postnatal depression


National Childbirth Trust offers information, support and events to support new parents in their local area.


The Birth Trauma Association has information and support for partners of someone who's experienced a difficult birth.


The Fatherhood Institute works on policy and research to support fathers.


Postpartum Men offers support and information for fathers experiencing postnatal depression, including an online peer support forum.


Pink Parents offers support for gay and lesbian parents.


DadsNet offers support and knowledge through a community of dads on practical parenting and fatherhood.


Resources in Other Languages


Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well - Kur ndjen foshnjën të lëvizë kjo është shenjë se janë mirë 


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - የጵንሱን እንቅስቃሴ ማዳመጥ የልጁን ጤነኝነት ለማውቅ ይረዳል 


اإلحساس بحركة طفلك عالمة على أنه بخير- Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well 

Illness in newborns - املرض عند األطفال حديثي الوالدة 


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - আপনার বাচ্চার নড়াচড়া অনুভব করার অর্থ হলো সে ভালো আছে 

Illness in newborns - সদয্জাত িশশেদর ু aসsুতা 

Winter Flu 2020/21 - শীতকাল ২০২০/২১ ফ্লু টিকা 


Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well - Усещането, че бебето се движи, е знак, че то е добре 


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - 感觉到胎动是胎儿身体健康的标志 

Illness in newborns - 新生兒疾病 

Winter 2020/21 Flu Vaccination - 2020/21年度冬季 流感 接种 


Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well - حس کردن حرکت جنین، نشانه سالمت او است. 


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - Sentir votre bébé bouger signifie qu’il va bien 

Illness in newborns - Maladies chez les nouveau-nés


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - आपक े शि श ु क े हि लन े का अन ुभव इस बात का संक ेत ह ै कि वह अच्छ े ह ैं 

Winter 2020/21 Flu Vaccination - सर्दियां 2020/21 फ्लू टीकाकरण 


Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well - Ha érzed a baba mozgását, az annak a jele, hogy a baba jól van


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - Merasakan bayi Anda bergerak adalah tanda bahwa bayinya sehat


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - Sentire il proprio bambino muoversi è segno di buona salute


Illness in newborns - નવજાત શિશુમાં બીમારી 

Winter 2020/21 Flu Vaccination - શિયાળો 2020/21 ફ્લૂ રસી


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - Mazuļa kustību sajušana ir zīme, ka ar viņu viss ir kārtībā


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - Jei jaučiate kūdikio judesius, reiškia jam viskas gerai


Illness in newborns - 新生儿疾病 



Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - Odczuwanie ruchów dziecka jest sygnałem, że dziecko ma się dobrze

Illness in newborns - Choroby noworodków 

Winter 2020/21 Flu Vaccination - ZIMA 2020/21 Szczepienie przeciwko grypie


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - Sentir os movimentos do seu bebé é um sinal de que o bebé está bem

Illness in newborns - doença no recém-nacido 


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - ਆਪਣੇ ਬੱਚੇ ਦੀ ਹਿਲਜੁਲ ਨੂੰ ਮਹਿਸੂਸ ਕਰਨਾ ਇਸ ਗੱਲ ਦਾ ਸੰਕੇਤ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਉਹ ਠੀਕ ਹ 

Illness in newborns - ਨਵਜਾਤ ਬੱਿਚਆ ਿਵਚ ਿਬਮਾਰੀ 

Winter 2020/21 Flu Vaccination - ਸਰਦੀਆਂ 2020/21 ਫਲੂ ਟੀਕਾਕਰਨ 


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - Atunci când simţi copilul că se mişcă înseamnă că este bine 

Winter 2020/21 Flu Vaccination - IARNA 2020/21 Vaccinarea Împotriva Gripei


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - To, že cítite pohyb dieťaťa, je znakom toho, že sa má dobre


Winter 2020/21 Flu Vaccination - XAGAAGA 2020/21 ifilo TALLAALKA 

Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - هه‌ستكردن به‌ جوڵه‌ی كۆرپه‌ نیشانه‌ی ئه‌وه‌یه‌ كه‌ كۆرپه‌كه‌ ته‌ندروستی باشه 


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - Dareemista dhaq-dhaqaaqa ilmahaaga waa calaamad muujinaysa inuu fiican yahay


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - Sentir al bebé moverse es señal de que está bien 


Winter Flu Vaccination 2020/21 - Ang taglamig 2020/21 pagbabakuna ng trangkaso 


Winter Flu 2020/21 Vaccination - குளிர்காலம் 2020/21 காய்ச்சல் தடுப்பூசி 


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - ምንቅስቓስ ዕሸልኪ እንኪስመዓኪ፡ እንኪስመዓኪ፡ እቲ ዕሸል ደሓን ከምዘሎ ዘርኢ ምልክት`ዩ 


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - Bebeğinizin hareket ettiğini hissetmek sağlığının iyi olduğunun bir göstergesidir

Winter 2020/21 Flu Vaccine - KIŞ 2020/21 Grip aşısı


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - اپنے بچے کی حرکت محسوس کرنا اس بات کی عالمت ہے کہ وہ تندرست ہے۔ 

Illness in newborns - نوزائيده بچوں ميں بيماری 

Winter 2020/21 Flu Vaccination - موسم سرما 2020/21 فلو ویکسینیشن 


Feeling your baby is a sign that they are well - Cảm nhận thấy cử động của con là một dấu hiệu cho thấy con đang khỏe mạnh


The Information Leaflet for Group B Streptococcus can be found here in 14 different languages: 


Leaflets about Coronavirus in a large range of languages can be found here:

Accessible visual infographics about Coronavirus in a large range of languages can be found here: