All Staff

All staff are required to complete the courses below, which can be done using the eLearning for healthcare platform (elfh). Instructions on how to do this can be found in the following document:

eLfH instructions

Equality and Diversity

The City and Hackney population has a variety of cultural, ethnic, religious and language backgrounds.

This presents us with both challenges and opportunities in delivering high quality, accessible health care.

The Equality & Diversity eLearning will give you an introduction to Equality Act in the UK and an insight into diversity. Please complete this using Leaning Certifications in ESR.

As part of our Homerton People Plan, we have set ourselves ambitious objectives over the next four years to achieve equality and inclusion for our people. Find out more about our approach to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Fire Safety

Fire Safety is part of everyone's statutory and mandatory training and needs to be completed once a year.

Fires are fortunately a rare but ever present threat. In order to be prepared you should complete it using Leaning Certifications in ESR or in a face to face session which you can book in ESR.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution is a major concern within the NHS. In 2012/13, there were 63,199 reported physical assaults against NHS staff in England.

It is essential that all staff feel safe whilst at work. Violent behaviour can have an adverse effect on staff and impact negatively on the standards of patient care.

In terms of tackling violence against staff, conflict resolution training is a significant preventative measure. It is part of a number of measures that are put in place to make the NHS a ‘safer place to work’.

Please complete this using Leaning Certifications in ESR.

Health, Safety and Welfare

The aim of the course is to ensure that all staff acquire high level of awareness of health and safety matters and how to handle objects (inanimate loads) safely.

Please complete this using Leaning Certifications in ESR.

Information Governance

All staff should be aware of the rules and guidance around Information Governance (IG). IG is all about how we safely look after information. It is a series of legal and best practice guidelines to be followed by us. IG is the foundation for high quality healthcare using good quality information.

Please complete this using Leaning Certifications in ESR.