Wheelchair use videos

Listed below are some video links that may be useful in learning how to operate and manage a basic wheelchair.

Please note that these videos were not produced by Homerton University Hospital, so any opinions expressed are not necessarily reflective of City & Hackney Wheelchair Service or the NHS. 

It is important that they are used for reference purposes only. You should be aware of your own abilities and ensure that you do not put yourself or others at risk attempting to copy any of the activities in the videos that are beyond your ability.

If you are having difficulties operating your wheelchair safely, or require further advice or training please contact the Wheelchair Service to discuss your concerns.

1. The Parts of a Wheelchair 

2. Using a Wheelchair

3. Transportation

4. Maintenance of your wheelchair

5. Your NHS Wheelchair

6. Assembling and disassembling an Invacare Action 2 wheelchair 

7. Pelvic belts and Harnesses – A safety guide 

8. Using a tilt and recline wheelchair 

9. Basic Self-propelling skills 

10. Advanced self-propelling wheelchair skills

11. Basic powered wheelchair skills

12. Advanced powered wheelchair skills

13. Intermediate skills