Psychologist Sarah introduces our wellbeing services
Health advisers
Our health advisers are here to support you to enjoy the best sexual health
Health advisers are here to:
- Give you time and space to work through difficulties with your sexual health - including a diagnosis of an STI
- Arrange any follow-up that you need
- Discuss issues around relationships and having sex
- Discuss what safer sex means to you and help you to reduce your risk of STIs
- Support you if you are feeling worried or low
- Refer you on to any other services that may be required
If you are diagnosed with an infection
It can be very upsetting to be told that you have a sexually transmitted infection and it can leave you with a range of thoughts, feelings and questions. Health advisers are here to help you sort through these.
Whether you are in a long-term relationship or a brief one, it can be difficult to tell sexual partners that they might have an infection. We can help you decide the best way to do this, or we can even do it for you anonymously. It is important that sexual partners are informed and treated to stop some STIs being passed back to you or to others.
Sexual Health Psychology
Our psychologists are here to provide structured support around improving sexual health
Here are some of the types of problems we can help with:
- Difficulties with negotiating the type of sex you want
- Hesitations, worries or difficulties with using condoms
- Mood or anxiety problems that impact on your ability to protect yourself from HIV and STIs and/or pregnancy
- Coercive or violent sexual relationships
- Sexuality and gender difficulties (in relation to high risk sexual behaviour)
- Sexual assault and rape
- Alcohol and/or drug use that impacts on your ability to protect yourself from infections, pregnancy, or injuries
If you think you would benefit from psychology, please discuss this with your doctor, nurse, or health adviser
Information on High-Risk Sex Pathway
As part of the High-Risk Sex Pathway at Homerton Sexual Health services, we have a new Chemsex Service running 5 days a week.
This is part of a new exciting partnership between London Friend, Turning Point and NHS with a view to help people struggling with problematic chemsex. You can access the service by attending our Clifden Clinic or by emailing the team at . Support is provided by a Recovery Worker and a Psychology Assistant/MSM Peer Mentor. We can provide triage, assessment, advice, and treatment within the Sexual Health Service. We can provide full support for those living in City and Hackney. For people living outside the borough, we can provide some support and linking with relevant services.
We would like to make you aware that we have onsite…
Safer Injecting – Chemsex Packs
If you or people you know are engaging in Chemsex and slamming, we are offering free kits to keep you safer. Our Safer Injecting packs can be picked up free of charge at our main hub at the Clifden Centre. We are open Mondays-Saturdays.
Each pack contains:
1 x sharps bin
2 x measuring syringes (2ml)
4 x condoms
4 x sachets of lube
10 x syringes with needles (1ml)
10 x cookers/spoons
10 x pre-injection swabs – alcohol wipes
Download a list of needle exchange sites where you can drop off used sharps.
Needle Exchange Sites.pdf [pdf] 194KB
Naxalone can be provided by our Recovery Worker at Homerton Sexual Health Services with advice on appropriate use. Naloxone is a life-saving drug that prevents an overdose of heroin or other opiods and can be administered by anyone. You can collect Naxalone from the Clifden Centre on Tuesdays (9am-5pm) or Thursdays (12pm-7pm).